Canadian Science and Research Group

International Journal of Textile Research (IJTR)

Research Article

Minimization of The Needleless Electrospun Nanofiber Morphology Using Multi-Optimization Method

Deogratias Nurwaha1 and Xinhou Wang2,3

1Institute of Applied Pedagogy, Department of Physics and Technology, University of Burundi, Bujumbura, CO/IPA, BP 5223.

2Donghua University, College of Textile, Shanghai 201620, China.

3Key Laboratory of Science & Technology of Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, China.

Submitted: June 30, 2019; Accepted: Novemeber 24, 2019.


The study describes a new electrospinning method to produce nanofibers. Two straight and parallel copper wire electrodes mounted on a rotating metal spindle was explored. Polyethylene oxide (PEO) solution was used. Spinning distance, applied voltage, wire electrodes diameter and rotation speed were considered as processing parameters. Mean Nanofiber diameter (MFD) and nanofiber diameter standard deviation (FSD) have been measured and recorded. Using gene expression programming (GEP) technique nonlinear mathematical functions were derived based on the processing parameters. The multiple optimization procedure was performed to determine the optimum levels of the five processing parameters leading to the desired minimized MFD and FSD and optimal conditions were found.


Nanofiber, Rotary wires electrospinning ,GEP.

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